Friday, February 19, 2010

The Sermon Sings The Blues

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
-Albert Einstein

We all as spiritual people need to know Jesus. Without Him, we could not have access to His Father who gives us power to get wealth. ‘Yahh’ in the Hebrew Bible is the Lord being in the form of power. The Lord reveals Himself in that form for us to get wealth.

Christians live in constant fear of not knowing when will it get better. Fear; of not knowing if you will always be a slave to living paycheck to paycheck. Yahh is the confidence within you to be fearless. The living paycheck-to-paycheck sermon has worn you out like a bad song. You’re becoming frustrated with hearing the same old prosperity sermon, where nothing has progressed to your expectations, because you’re still struggling. You’re not satisfied, but you allow the sermon to play like a lottery ticket, hoping one day, that you will hit the jackpot. The sermons have become like a hyped seminar, it feels exciting to be part of a herd, chasing the same dream among the crowd. But at the end of the day, you’re stuck with books, full of disappointed dreams.

You feel obligated to honor the Almighty at service, so you can worship and feel you paid your dues. But as the cliché goes; “if you keep doing the same thing that you always been doing, you’re going to get the same thing you always got.” Church won’t make you rich. The Lord gives you power to get wealth. But the power He gives you is the power of Yahh that rises within you to get wealth. Yahh within you eliminates the struggling. Of course other people obtained wealth without this power, but it’s because as Proverbs 13:22 said; “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children, but the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the just.” You may see other spiritual individuals who are wealthy or well to do, such as Tyler Perry, but that has nothing to do with them being a church member. Yahh is not something that spiritual people can choose to have; they must be fearless before that power arises within them. Spiritual folks allow life to dictate what will happen as a roll of the dice. But the people of Yahh master their own destiny.

Yes, Tyler Perry is familiar with Yahh when he pronounces Hala-lu-Yahh, which means praise Yahh (the Lord in His form of power), especially when Medea quotes it on screen. Of course other spiritual souls say Yahh, but their fear makes it powerless to get wealth.

Tyler Perry shared the power of Yahh with his family audience. The power of Yahh wasn’t ready to reveal this to me to get wealth, until I share it with my family first as well. As I stated in the last message posted; “A family with many different talents can accomplish the impossible as one faith, when it can identify with what they stand for as a movement. “Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind (Philippians 2:2).” This shows you’re “moving” in the same direction as an unstoppable force. Just like Martin Luther, the family mission statement as a movement, is a bold and simple one: “Build Together!” Of course there will be differences and disagreements, but that is with any board meeting and the UN. As long as the goal remains the same, “Build together!”

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