Saturday, March 27, 2010

How to Think Like a Minister: The Ministry Art of Illusion History Unveiled

“How fortunate for leaders that men do not think.” –Adolf Hitler

So, what occurs behind the scenes of ministry? To some it up in one word- Propaganda! Ministry is founded on a combination of hyped religious theology and hypnotic selling. It’s entertaining Hollywood imagery scripted on cue. Think objectively: its just ketchup.

Ministers agree that the Bible is not the only truth. So they add illusionary theories. Why do we prefer to have theorist tell us what God said in the Bible, when we can find out ourselves? Because we allowed our mushy brains to become lazy, so we loaned our simple minds to illusionist, to tell us what we want to hear. We prostitute our conscious, by permitting hidden tricksters to pimp our empty thoughts with hypnotic brainwashing.

The great philosopher Plato said, “Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men.”
A prostitute serves her pimp religiously without question. A prostitute is not just a person who sells their body. They’re a person with low self-confidence, seeking for somebody to tell them anything they want to hear, because prostitutes allow their minds to be defeated. Eventually, their mind will become a robot, where it is fed data without question, by the person who they let control their mind. When someone is guiding your mind with data, you may think you control your mind, but in actuality, you’re fed data without question.

Ezekiel 23:17 (King James Version)
And the Babylonians came to her into the bed of love, and they defiled her with their whoredom, and she was polluted with them, and her mind was alienated from them.

The 19th century famous French poet and critic, Charles Baudelaire said, “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist.” Anytime someone reads from a book, and begins to interpret the text, chatting rhetoric, then you are being fed data by someone else bias interpretation of a thing. You usually accept it at face value, because you put a lot of faith in that person which knows what they were talking about, as the prostitute without question, who wants to be told what they want to hear. All because we lack self-confidence to minister our own destiny, which God called you for to be anointed! We rather anoint someone else to guide our destiny, and put our fate in that person’s hands, so they can shape our minds, without question.

Hosea 4:12 (King James Version)
My people ask counsel at their stocks, and their staff declareth unto them: for the spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under their God.

Our prostitute hypnotic state of mind makes excuses, by telling us that we need someone more experienced with the Bible; to tell us what we want to hear and know. This is the mindset of what a prostitute feels about her pimp, when she chooses a pimp and says that her pimp has more experience with the streets and can tell her what she needs to hear. Mentally snoozed to think on our own, we turn our mind off like an alarm clock, and sleep away our thoughts, as prostitutes sleep with men for her pimp. Without question!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Upgrading from Generic Worship to Your True Calling of Power

"There's a sucker born every minute" phrase often credited to P.T. Barnum

In the time of John the Apostle, the disciple of Christ- between the time of 70 A.D. and 100 A.D., there was no biblical record of who was appointed to continue the church. But there were historical accounts of leaders who were taught by Apostle John and Peter. That line of leaders started from Polycarp (ca. 70 – ca. 156), who was taught by John, all the way to Irenaeus (2nd century AD - c. 202), which was a disciple of Polycarp. These Gentile church fathers were not Jewish, but they upheld the teachings passed down by the early church, which instructed that the original Passover needed to be kept on the 14th day during the Hebrew month of Nisan (April or March- Gregorian calendar time, depending on the New Moon cycle). The Roman Catholic Church, not yet named Catholic- was established during the earlier part of the 2nd century, as a separate church from what the early original church taught. Wherefore, the catholic bishops during that time challenged these church fathers that were taught by John. The catholic Popes sentenced to death or ignored the early church fathers to be martyred for following the correct teachings of Christ, instructed by John. The Pope began holocausts against Jews for keeping Sabbaths.

From that point on, the Catholic Church justified replacing the Passover with the day Christ was resurrected, known as Easter Sunday, which is during the Passover month. Also Sunday came from this same doctrine, known as the Lord’s Day, which was accepted as the day of worship. The Roman Emperor Constantine (27 February c. 272 – 22 May 337) along with the Popes and bishops, adopted paganism into the church, such as idols of worship (statues, trees), combining the winter solstice pagan god of worship day December 25-January 1, with Christ birth. This was never done in the early church. Constantine and the bishops desired to gain more followers who were Romans still worshiping pagan gods. So, they set up an elaborate scheme to combine the Roman pagan gods with the church, in order to satisfy the peoples and gain popularity as emperors did with popular gladiator games in the Roman coliseums. All this was done to blind the people, so the citizens would not start religious revolutions or holy wars, which would not make the rulers look as if they wasn’t in control. It’s all politics and smoking mirrors. If the people are happy, then all is well, purpose served. Satan popularity numbers go up in the polls and on to win the next election, because Satan was a mastermind at deceiving the whole world. A sucker born again every Sunday! Wake Up!

Martin Luther (10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546), the German priest who separated himself from the Catholic Church doctrine, in order to return back to the original, was also martyred. He was condemned as a heretic for stating- if the church is not doing things according to scripture, then it should not be taught. The Catholic Church, at the time begun to deceptively profit from citizens, by selling salvation and penances, which was forgiveness to keep from going to Hell. These schemes were developed to cause bishops to become wealthy and blind the people from studying the Bible themselves (because the bishops didn’t teach Scripture word for word, but enticed people with brainwashing sermons) as Martin Luther exposed. No different than what you witness assemblies doing today, when they profit from selling salvation messages and prosperity overnight schemes, through books, Cd’s, and non biblical church events.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Who’s Pimping Your Destiny?

You know, you do need mentors, but in the end, you really just need to believe in yourself. -Diana Ross

In the 1960’s and 70’s, Berry Gordy dominated the black music industry of Motown, with some of the greatest artist and memorable songs. He had a tight grasp on his artists where they could not have room to maneuver out of his ironclad contracts, in order to have freedom to be creative artists in their own right. Gordy was a slave master at creating his destiny through his performers. They were the puppets for his routine shows.

Do me a favor. View your life as you wake up, from Sunday to Saturday, from the first day of the week you go to church, to the last day of the week you finish work You invested so little in life, to get so little in return. Your life has adopted the same robotic daily routine, where people, places and things have locked you in a state of complacency, causing you to be at the same level they’re on, while you never have the power to advance beyond their league. Submitting to their desires of sharing your company, you sell your time and yourself out cheap to people, like a prostitute who sells their companionship. Avoid people, places and things pimping you out for your time and talent. Cease loaning your mind to anything that you can’t challenge and learn for yourself. If you’ve been lectured to without you debating back, then you’re brainwashed. A whore will believe anything her pimp preaches to her, without learning to be her own.

People, places and things won’t cut you loose to explore new territory, because they need to rely on your resources and talent, so they can shine. Of course it’s wonderful to socialize, network and have places for enjoyment or learning, nonetheless, there is a time to measure how far you advanced among these areas of your life. Even when promoted to higher positions in careers or education, in order to advance, your time and effort can no longer be spent on the same routines and associates that you surpassed. You’re in the big leagues now, and you have to move on from the minors. You can’t be concerned about people feeling insulted by your life being to busy, just because you’re achieving higher goals that don’t coincide with their time. That’s not your problem. You’re doing them a favor by helping them to move on and discover their life, so they can explore new things about themselves. You as well are accomplishing this in the Lord as the power of Yahh.

It’s hard for people to leave people, places and things, because they become so attached, that they feel they owe some type of loyalty or devotion to this attachment. In retrospect, you must be loyal and devoted to yourself first, so you can serve your purpose in life. If these routine attachments are not allowing you to challenge your own abilities and to question others, then you’re just a slave to a sermon or a career, because you are not a master of your own destiny. You have your own ministry. A ministry is a cause to increase your God given abilities. A ministry is not a church you attend, or else you will be following someone else’s destiny. Following someone else’s ministry clashes with your destiny, because they are the ones who have the power and control the outcome. This is why ministries get people to support their ministry, so followers can finance the minister’s destiny, because it cost to grow a destiny. You’re worth more power in Yahh.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Breaking the Curse of Hesitation of the Nicodemus Spirit

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. -James the Apostle of Jesus

Will you be where you need to be in your life in three years? Well, if you’re going down the same direction with the same traditional strategies as Jay Leno from the “Tonight Show”(changed from 11pm to 10pm back to 11pm), which became hesitant as Nicodemus about which way to choose. Then, not only are you confused, but, you’re confusing your audiences as well, and the competition or adversary will take advantage of your weakness. The famous Gen. Colin Powell said, “Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand.” People who hesitate are the fearful ones left behind. Losers!

Hesitation sets in when you set goals that you’re not passionate about pursuing. That’s why manufacturing plans about being a millionaire, raises the bar, and causes you to lose focus on reality goals formed within your own talents. In other words, pursuing money will conjure up get rich quick schemes in your mind. You need to challenge your competitors, competition, (enemy) to a duel with your talents, so you can draw their audiences to your side. Hesitating to do so will make you look like a phony coward, who doesn’t stand for what they believe in. This is the only way to prove if you’re really the best at what you do, in order for witnesses to judge your qualities. Audiences root for the underdog who stands up against the powers that be, principalities and powers in high places. You’re battling not against flesh and blood, but battling for the mind. The mind is our attention. You’re fighting to win attention. Persistence pays off, even if it seems tough. War is won when you stay the course and conquer the territory of the mind first.

One day my Internet was down, which comes through the cable company. They were already scheduled to come out a few days later. But in my determination, I called and spoke with a rep, which seemed eager to get me off the phone quickly, without giving me any success. So, as I moved on to attempt to fix the cause myself (at other times in the past it got the job done), but taking every phase to get connected without any luck, I didn’t hesitate to return a call to the cable company again. I was determined in my endeavor to have it running, by any means necessary. My career, research and finances depend on it. Losing two days is like one month worth of success. The next rep took me through different steps, which led to a miracle that seemed simple. Win their attention!

You must face your challengers in an unorthodox style, by using a different approach that nobody has experienced before. Shake things up and make it interesting, this way you won’t become predictable and boring like the traditional adversary. Resist the devil and he will flee, so says the Bible. Sun Tzu says; “To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting. Go against following the way everybody else is doing things and your obstacles will be removed. This is why sermons are traditional, because they are never challenged, where nothing has progressed to your expectations, because you’re still struggling. But when you hesitate to challenge tradition, like Nicodemus hesitated to confront his traditional doctrine of the church, then you’re double minded and unstable.