Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Holy Bible for Atheist

"This Bible is for the government of the people, by the people and for the people'"
-John Wycliffe (first author of the Holy Bible in English)

Premise: “Admiring tales in the Bible to master your own destiny.”

Perspective: Christians don’t own the Bible, it’s everybody’s book, whether we want to believe it or not.

Objective: Taking only what’s necessary from biblical characters to establish our own path.

Purpose: Providing stories of biblical characters facing everyday challenges, so humans can overcome from someone else stories.

Review: The Holy Bible for Atheist is written from the Atheist perspective. The book maintains the original tales and characters, but has edited out the faith, worship, miracles, and names of God epithets. Instead of printed scripture verses, the author intertwines the biblical character stories with secular examples and strategic insight. The author doesn’t attempt to convert the atheist; in fact, his goal is to compel atheist who may enjoy biblical characters without religious epitomes or moral views. Allowing the viewer not to feel judged or guilty, but to apply their imagination for creating their own outcome.

Concept: An alternative for audiences who want toned down non-religious version.

Description: The Holy Bible for Atheist is geared towards audiences who desire to escape the complicated verses and get into the meat of the stories. The published paperback is a compact pocket book, containing 66 pages, with 6 chapters. It’s due to be released in the winter of 2011, near Thanksgiving Day.

Summary: The printed edition dissects the stories of lesser-known characters like Deborah and Gideon, as well as other minor individuals. And avoids tackling main Christian disciples or Old Testament Major Prophets judging the world.

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” -William Shakespeare

Saturday, March 27, 2010

How to Think Like a Minister: The Ministry Art of Illusion History Unveiled

“How fortunate for leaders that men do not think.” –Adolf Hitler

So, what occurs behind the scenes of ministry? To some it up in one word- Propaganda! Ministry is founded on a combination of hyped religious theology and hypnotic selling. It’s entertaining Hollywood imagery scripted on cue. Think objectively: its just ketchup.

Ministers agree that the Bible is not the only truth. So they add illusionary theories. Why do we prefer to have theorist tell us what God said in the Bible, when we can find out ourselves? Because we allowed our mushy brains to become lazy, so we loaned our simple minds to illusionist, to tell us what we want to hear. We prostitute our conscious, by permitting hidden tricksters to pimp our empty thoughts with hypnotic brainwashing.

The great philosopher Plato said, “Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men.”
A prostitute serves her pimp religiously without question. A prostitute is not just a person who sells their body. They’re a person with low self-confidence, seeking for somebody to tell them anything they want to hear, because prostitutes allow their minds to be defeated. Eventually, their mind will become a robot, where it is fed data without question, by the person who they let control their mind. When someone is guiding your mind with data, you may think you control your mind, but in actuality, you’re fed data without question.

Ezekiel 23:17 (King James Version)
And the Babylonians came to her into the bed of love, and they defiled her with their whoredom, and she was polluted with them, and her mind was alienated from them.

The 19th century famous French poet and critic, Charles Baudelaire said, “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist.” Anytime someone reads from a book, and begins to interpret the text, chatting rhetoric, then you are being fed data by someone else bias interpretation of a thing. You usually accept it at face value, because you put a lot of faith in that person which knows what they were talking about, as the prostitute without question, who wants to be told what they want to hear. All because we lack self-confidence to minister our own destiny, which God called you for to be anointed! We rather anoint someone else to guide our destiny, and put our fate in that person’s hands, so they can shape our minds, without question.

Hosea 4:12 (King James Version)
My people ask counsel at their stocks, and their staff declareth unto them: for the spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under their God.

Our prostitute hypnotic state of mind makes excuses, by telling us that we need someone more experienced with the Bible; to tell us what we want to hear and know. This is the mindset of what a prostitute feels about her pimp, when she chooses a pimp and says that her pimp has more experience with the streets and can tell her what she needs to hear. Mentally snoozed to think on our own, we turn our mind off like an alarm clock, and sleep away our thoughts, as prostitutes sleep with men for her pimp. Without question!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Upgrading from Generic Worship to Your True Calling of Power

"There's a sucker born every minute" phrase often credited to P.T. Barnum

In the time of John the Apostle, the disciple of Christ- between the time of 70 A.D. and 100 A.D., there was no biblical record of who was appointed to continue the church. But there were historical accounts of leaders who were taught by Apostle John and Peter. That line of leaders started from Polycarp (ca. 70 – ca. 156), who was taught by John, all the way to Irenaeus (2nd century AD - c. 202), which was a disciple of Polycarp. These Gentile church fathers were not Jewish, but they upheld the teachings passed down by the early church, which instructed that the original Passover needed to be kept on the 14th day during the Hebrew month of Nisan (April or March- Gregorian calendar time, depending on the New Moon cycle). The Roman Catholic Church, not yet named Catholic- was established during the earlier part of the 2nd century, as a separate church from what the early original church taught. Wherefore, the catholic bishops during that time challenged these church fathers that were taught by John. The catholic Popes sentenced to death or ignored the early church fathers to be martyred for following the correct teachings of Christ, instructed by John. The Pope began holocausts against Jews for keeping Sabbaths.

From that point on, the Catholic Church justified replacing the Passover with the day Christ was resurrected, known as Easter Sunday, which is during the Passover month. Also Sunday came from this same doctrine, known as the Lord’s Day, which was accepted as the day of worship. The Roman Emperor Constantine (27 February c. 272 – 22 May 337) along with the Popes and bishops, adopted paganism into the church, such as idols of worship (statues, trees), combining the winter solstice pagan god of worship day December 25-January 1, with Christ birth. This was never done in the early church. Constantine and the bishops desired to gain more followers who were Romans still worshiping pagan gods. So, they set up an elaborate scheme to combine the Roman pagan gods with the church, in order to satisfy the peoples and gain popularity as emperors did with popular gladiator games in the Roman coliseums. All this was done to blind the people, so the citizens would not start religious revolutions or holy wars, which would not make the rulers look as if they wasn’t in control. It’s all politics and smoking mirrors. If the people are happy, then all is well, purpose served. Satan popularity numbers go up in the polls and on to win the next election, because Satan was a mastermind at deceiving the whole world. A sucker born again every Sunday! Wake Up!

Martin Luther (10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546), the German priest who separated himself from the Catholic Church doctrine, in order to return back to the original, was also martyred. He was condemned as a heretic for stating- if the church is not doing things according to scripture, then it should not be taught. The Catholic Church, at the time begun to deceptively profit from citizens, by selling salvation and penances, which was forgiveness to keep from going to Hell. These schemes were developed to cause bishops to become wealthy and blind the people from studying the Bible themselves (because the bishops didn’t teach Scripture word for word, but enticed people with brainwashing sermons) as Martin Luther exposed. No different than what you witness assemblies doing today, when they profit from selling salvation messages and prosperity overnight schemes, through books, Cd’s, and non biblical church events.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Who’s Pimping Your Destiny?

You know, you do need mentors, but in the end, you really just need to believe in yourself. -Diana Ross

In the 1960’s and 70’s, Berry Gordy dominated the black music industry of Motown, with some of the greatest artist and memorable songs. He had a tight grasp on his artists where they could not have room to maneuver out of his ironclad contracts, in order to have freedom to be creative artists in their own right. Gordy was a slave master at creating his destiny through his performers. They were the puppets for his routine shows.

Do me a favor. View your life as you wake up, from Sunday to Saturday, from the first day of the week you go to church, to the last day of the week you finish work You invested so little in life, to get so little in return. Your life has adopted the same robotic daily routine, where people, places and things have locked you in a state of complacency, causing you to be at the same level they’re on, while you never have the power to advance beyond their league. Submitting to their desires of sharing your company, you sell your time and yourself out cheap to people, like a prostitute who sells their companionship. Avoid people, places and things pimping you out for your time and talent. Cease loaning your mind to anything that you can’t challenge and learn for yourself. If you’ve been lectured to without you debating back, then you’re brainwashed. A whore will believe anything her pimp preaches to her, without learning to be her own.

People, places and things won’t cut you loose to explore new territory, because they need to rely on your resources and talent, so they can shine. Of course it’s wonderful to socialize, network and have places for enjoyment or learning, nonetheless, there is a time to measure how far you advanced among these areas of your life. Even when promoted to higher positions in careers or education, in order to advance, your time and effort can no longer be spent on the same routines and associates that you surpassed. You’re in the big leagues now, and you have to move on from the minors. You can’t be concerned about people feeling insulted by your life being to busy, just because you’re achieving higher goals that don’t coincide with their time. That’s not your problem. You’re doing them a favor by helping them to move on and discover their life, so they can explore new things about themselves. You as well are accomplishing this in the Lord as the power of Yahh.

It’s hard for people to leave people, places and things, because they become so attached, that they feel they owe some type of loyalty or devotion to this attachment. In retrospect, you must be loyal and devoted to yourself first, so you can serve your purpose in life. If these routine attachments are not allowing you to challenge your own abilities and to question others, then you’re just a slave to a sermon or a career, because you are not a master of your own destiny. You have your own ministry. A ministry is a cause to increase your God given abilities. A ministry is not a church you attend, or else you will be following someone else’s destiny. Following someone else’s ministry clashes with your destiny, because they are the ones who have the power and control the outcome. This is why ministries get people to support their ministry, so followers can finance the minister’s destiny, because it cost to grow a destiny. You’re worth more power in Yahh.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Breaking the Curse of Hesitation of the Nicodemus Spirit

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. -James the Apostle of Jesus

Will you be where you need to be in your life in three years? Well, if you’re going down the same direction with the same traditional strategies as Jay Leno from the “Tonight Show”(changed from 11pm to 10pm back to 11pm), which became hesitant as Nicodemus about which way to choose. Then, not only are you confused, but, you’re confusing your audiences as well, and the competition or adversary will take advantage of your weakness. The famous Gen. Colin Powell said, “Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand.” People who hesitate are the fearful ones left behind. Losers!

Hesitation sets in when you set goals that you’re not passionate about pursuing. That’s why manufacturing plans about being a millionaire, raises the bar, and causes you to lose focus on reality goals formed within your own talents. In other words, pursuing money will conjure up get rich quick schemes in your mind. You need to challenge your competitors, competition, (enemy) to a duel with your talents, so you can draw their audiences to your side. Hesitating to do so will make you look like a phony coward, who doesn’t stand for what they believe in. This is the only way to prove if you’re really the best at what you do, in order for witnesses to judge your qualities. Audiences root for the underdog who stands up against the powers that be, principalities and powers in high places. You’re battling not against flesh and blood, but battling for the mind. The mind is our attention. You’re fighting to win attention. Persistence pays off, even if it seems tough. War is won when you stay the course and conquer the territory of the mind first.

One day my Internet was down, which comes through the cable company. They were already scheduled to come out a few days later. But in my determination, I called and spoke with a rep, which seemed eager to get me off the phone quickly, without giving me any success. So, as I moved on to attempt to fix the cause myself (at other times in the past it got the job done), but taking every phase to get connected without any luck, I didn’t hesitate to return a call to the cable company again. I was determined in my endeavor to have it running, by any means necessary. My career, research and finances depend on it. Losing two days is like one month worth of success. The next rep took me through different steps, which led to a miracle that seemed simple. Win their attention!

You must face your challengers in an unorthodox style, by using a different approach that nobody has experienced before. Shake things up and make it interesting, this way you won’t become predictable and boring like the traditional adversary. Resist the devil and he will flee, so says the Bible. Sun Tzu says; “To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting. Go against following the way everybody else is doing things and your obstacles will be removed. This is why sermons are traditional, because they are never challenged, where nothing has progressed to your expectations, because you’re still struggling. But when you hesitate to challenge tradition, like Nicodemus hesitated to confront his traditional doctrine of the church, then you’re double minded and unstable.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Hidden Cause of Why We Fail: A Winning Prophetic Strategy

My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure. -Abraham Lincoln

You heard the cliché: “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” But if you try it the same way again, without approaching it in a different way, then it sets you up for failure. Failing multiply is caused from blind leading religion. Inspirational leaders may know how to lead people, but they can’t get people to lead themselves from failing. Even if a baby didn’t succeed at their first step in walking and failed, the infant approaches the walk with more vigor, confidence and with a slightly different balance. In contrast, you must make adjustments in how you approach things in life. Christ said, “Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” New King James Version has the actual Hebrew word Yah written as being the form of power (power means strength)-Ps 684 Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name YAH, And rejoice before Him. Isa. 264 Trust in the LORD forever, For in YAH, the LORD, is everlasting strength.

The Lord reveals Himself from the kingdom of heaven as Yahh in the form of power. When you tell the Lord to reveal Himself as Yahh through you, He gives you power to get wealth. This is the prophetic- humble fail-proof approach for you getting wealth now.

· Isaiah 12:2
Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; ‘ For YAH, the LORD, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation.’”

· Isaiah 26:4
Trust in the LORD forever, For in YAH, the LORD, is everlasting strength.

· Isaiah 38:11
I said, “ I shall not see YAH, The LORD in the land of the living; I shall observe man no more among the inhabitants of the world.

Once we mature as adults, our generation becomes more stagnant and a stick in the mud. We have evolved as creatures of pride, holding on to our outdated style of doing things. Overtime adopting a stubborn attitude of being set in our own ways. That mold needs to be broken, if we are to advance forward into having a consistent winning outcome. Christ the Mashiyach (messiah) said, “And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.” “He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.” We are fearful of change.

Now that the Lord has given you the power of Yahh, you can let go of fearing change and not be afraid of what’s on the other side. “Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

Kurt Mortensen’s book “Persuasion IQ” a terrific read and a sure-fire way to improve and enhance your powers of persuasion. this easy-to-readbook reveals how you can change minds, influenceothers and reach your ultimate goals!
- Larry King, host of CNN’s “Larry King Live!”

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Sermon Sings The Blues

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
-Albert Einstein

We all as spiritual people need to know Jesus. Without Him, we could not have access to His Father who gives us power to get wealth. ‘Yahh’ in the Hebrew Bible is the Lord being in the form of power. The Lord reveals Himself in that form for us to get wealth.

Christians live in constant fear of not knowing when will it get better. Fear; of not knowing if you will always be a slave to living paycheck to paycheck. Yahh is the confidence within you to be fearless. The living paycheck-to-paycheck sermon has worn you out like a bad song. You’re becoming frustrated with hearing the same old prosperity sermon, where nothing has progressed to your expectations, because you’re still struggling. You’re not satisfied, but you allow the sermon to play like a lottery ticket, hoping one day, that you will hit the jackpot. The sermons have become like a hyped seminar, it feels exciting to be part of a herd, chasing the same dream among the crowd. But at the end of the day, you’re stuck with books, full of disappointed dreams.

You feel obligated to honor the Almighty at service, so you can worship and feel you paid your dues. But as the cliché goes; “if you keep doing the same thing that you always been doing, you’re going to get the same thing you always got.” Church won’t make you rich. The Lord gives you power to get wealth. But the power He gives you is the power of Yahh that rises within you to get wealth. Yahh within you eliminates the struggling. Of course other people obtained wealth without this power, but it’s because as Proverbs 13:22 said; “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children, but the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the just.” You may see other spiritual individuals who are wealthy or well to do, such as Tyler Perry, but that has nothing to do with them being a church member. Yahh is not something that spiritual people can choose to have; they must be fearless before that power arises within them. Spiritual folks allow life to dictate what will happen as a roll of the dice. But the people of Yahh master their own destiny.

Yes, Tyler Perry is familiar with Yahh when he pronounces Hala-lu-Yahh, which means praise Yahh (the Lord in His form of power), especially when Medea quotes it on screen. Of course other spiritual souls say Yahh, but their fear makes it powerless to get wealth.

Tyler Perry shared the power of Yahh with his family audience. The power of Yahh wasn’t ready to reveal this to me to get wealth, until I share it with my family first as well. As I stated in the last message posted; “A family with many different talents can accomplish the impossible as one faith, when it can identify with what they stand for as a movement. “Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind (Philippians 2:2).” This shows you’re “moving” in the same direction as an unstoppable force. Just like Martin Luther, the family mission statement as a movement, is a bold and simple one: “Build Together!” Of course there will be differences and disagreements, but that is with any board meeting and the UN. As long as the goal remains the same, “Build together!”

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Your Life Mission Statement

“You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say.” -Martin Luther

The outspoken 16th Century Protestant, Martin Luther- life mission statement was simple. Stand up for truth! That summed up his whole life mission. Wally ‘Famous Amos’s was, to be the “most famous cookie.” There are favorite cookies, and then there is the famous cookie. These two unknown figures came out of nowhere, and shook up the foundation of the most powerful Pope and cookie industry. This was all due to them having a simple bold mission: to make a statement in life. Paul said, “Great is my boldness of speech toward you, great is my glorying of you: I am filled with comfort, I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation (2 Corinthians 7:4).”

Your life must make a powerful statement like Luther and Amos, where you can rise to the occasion and make your stand. “In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him (Ephesians 3:12).”

Just as a marriage has a mission statement, which is “let nothing separate you, what ‘el Shaddai brought together.” A family must have a mission statement to unify them as one body and one mind. What good is a life mission statement, if there is nobody there to support the cause? Martin Luther and Wally Amos had a movement who stood together. A family is a movement when it has a single purpose, but weakened when going in different directions. “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand (Mark 3:25).” United we stand, divided we fall.

A family with many different talents can accomplish the impossible as one faith, when it can identify with what they stand for as a movement. “Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind (Philippians 2:2).” This shows you’re “moving” in the same direction as an unstoppable force. Just like Martin Luther, the family mission statement as a movement, is a bold and simple one: “Build Together!” Of course there will be differences and disagreements, but that is with any board meeting and the UN. As long as the goal remains the same, “Build together!”

Your life must become a movement or cause. In order to be in a position of power, you must stand for something, or you will fall for anything. A person of this magnitude cannot stand for everything, or else this will weaken your position for not having a solid foundation. You can’t be all over the place. There needs to be an authoritative stance held. Christ said, “He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great (Luke 6:48-49).” This is what occurred with Wally Amos; he sold out, flipped.

Friday, February 5, 2010

You Must Free Your Power for it to Work

“Though He slay me, yet will I trust…” –Job

Tyler Perry plays and Sylvester Stallone was turned down and insulted close to a dozen times by Hollywood, before “Rocky” received the green light to become the highest grossest low budgeted film of its time, which went on to win film Awards and made future stars. What was the secret to its success? Being the underdog. Both were the writer, star and character.

What made Perry and Stallone not become depressed and give up? It was their hunger for telling their story to whoever would listen. These two stubborn Christian warriors were focused like a horse with blinders, and the only thing that pushed them to live, was their story. That story was their oxygen, food and energy. Both went without income or real work, due to their drive for staying focused on their goal. Good living conditions and comfortable accommodations were not in their vocabulary at the time. They absolutely wasn’t pursuing fame and fortune, because they rejected changing their stories, and not sell it to the highest bidder, or design a script to fit Hollywood standards. Both are saved!

How did they know it would come true for them? Was it faith, or persistence, or determination? Did they see something great within themselves? Some of those things played a role, but actually, that story which they owned, was the only thing that they were ever good at telling. They had no other ideas or skills they knew how to perform better. Some people are only better at one particular thing, which they are hungry for pursuing.

Sylvester and Tyler are not the best directors or writers, but they are the only ones who can play the character to tell their stories, which no other person could do. Nobody can play Rocky like Stallone, just as nobody can perform Medea like Perry. The best person to tell the story usually is the one who already lived it. These two warriors were already living their story, which they witnessed in real life, through real people whom they knew.

This is a method Jacob our forefather performed in the Bible, from the book of Genesis. He gave away his time to serve his uncle, in order to gain his uncle’s daughter and favor.
Tyler and Sylvester gave away their best stories to us, and they reaped what they sow.

I see why the Scripture said, “it is better to give than receive…give unto others and it shall be given unto you…pressed down, shaking together and running over.” Don’t count on people for your success, income, hope or outcome. You must give it away to people, so they can evaluate; such as providing a first time sample demonstration hair duo, repair, one-month apartment, partial remodeled house, favor, etc. Don’t beg or ask. Just offer. People, even you and myself are observers of demonstrations, curious creatures of handling before we buy. That’s why stores allow you to sample before you purchase, like with car dealerships, especially. But they should allow you to take it home for a few days, which some dealers do, except they fear theft, insurance and other factors. But GM would get out of a jam if they risked the effort. Most people return after demonstrations, when you offer a one-month warranty fee, which allows them to have one service once a week. You don’t lose clients to competitors and they don’t lose with a warranty. It’s a win-win!

“Keep Your Eye On the Prize”

Friday, January 29, 2010

Your True Calling in Life Will Drive You

“I am not afraid…I was born to do this.” –Joan of Arc

Your true calling in life will drive you to crush whatever is in your way, in order to obtain your purpose. The motivational speaker, Anthony Robbins said, “People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals / that is, goals that do not inspire them.”

Joan of Arc was a prophetess of inspiration for her country and a heroine of France. She was just a teenager when she liberated France from the oppression of England. As a warrior, Joan led the French army into battle with fierce determination and vigor, without cease. The heroine was fearless in achieving her cause. She did not stop at anything, no matter the conditions or small defeats. Joan definitely was a visionary and put her life on the line, despite the odds and circumstances. Joan of Arc once said, “One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.” The French prophetess challenged herself to do things beyond measures and above. In other words, she took enormous risk in the face of death, without hesitating or questioning her self-confidence.

A warrior always acts boldly, and believes in their cause strong enough, that they won’t let anything or anybody stand in their way, of completing their mission. Warriors don’t see obstacles in their way when surrounded by adversaries; they’re just focused on conquering the territory and spoils. This is how gold medal Olympic winners defeat their rivals. They know they were called to do this. Everything is blocked out of their sight and mind. They’re not moved or threatened by the other opponents’ daring displays. The only thing they see at that moment; is victory.

Take a lesson from the athletes; if they’re not taking risk to perform daring power plays, then they’re not driven to win. Even when they lose a few competitions or points, they still continue to fight on to other battles, and gain small victories to win. Not only do they believe they were called to do this, but they are on automatic pilot and cannot be stopped. Pushed to strive beyond your control, where you’re pursuing to win aggressively.

The difference between passionate and driven, is that passion is what you desire doing. And driven is what you were meant to do. Because ‘drive’ can push you to do extraordinary things that no one else would boldly do, as Joan of Arc proved. You can be passionate about flowers, the environment and starting a venture. Being driven is when you boldly risk everything you have without a second thought, fearlessly putting your life on the line like Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi and Christ. What made these legendary figures and other athletes driven? It was not their passion for people or amazing abilities, but a strive for destiny. And what is destiny? “A predetermined course chosen for you beyond your control.” In other words, it was meant to happen. King, Gandhi and Christ didn’t choose for the events to happen, it is already predetermined for us. The Bible said, “Though My word has gone out, it shall not return to me void, but accomplish the thing..”

Philippians 3:14
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ

Friday, January 22, 2010

I Can Do Bad All By Myself!

"I can do bad all by myself" -Tyler Perry (from his film)

The book of Judges in the Bible speaks of how Deborah, the prophetess, judged and led the people of Israel into a major victory, by taking charge of the army from Barak, the commander. Barak, the commander of the military forces was like the executive, and Deborah would have been considered an associate of the company. As an associate, Deborah organized projects for Barak, that he would get credit for. Barak lost self-confidence and faltered under pressure from organizing the project plans himself, but he still wanted credit for someone else stepping up to take charge. Barak would have brainstormed with his top generals and commanders in the boardroom, about putting together a winning project. Except, Deborah as the associate- managed the whole operation, by stepping up to use her gifts and experience sent from the Almighty.

Of course, Barak had talent, but he collapsed when his associate Deborah, would not allow herself to be taken advantage of, like a servant, by laying all the credit at the feet of an incompetent procrastinator, who did not have the “by any means necessary” attitude to complete the project himself. So, she promoted herself, and quit the associate position to run her own company of men. Deborah took people from the old company that would join her new venture. Or you could say she bought out the company and ran it herself.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Conquer Your Fears to Conquer Your Talents

"We are more than conquerors through Christ that strengthen us." -Paul

Judges 4

4 And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time.

5 And she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in mount Ephraim: and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment.

6 And she sent and called Barak the son of Abinoam out of Kedeshnaphtali, and said unto him, Hath not the LORD God of Israel commanded, saying, Go and draw toward mount Tabor, and take with thee ten thousand men of the children of Naphtali and of the children of Zebulun?

7 And I will draw unto thee to the river Kishon Sisera, the captain of Jabin's army, with his chariots and his multitude; and I will deliver him into thine hand.

8 And Barak said unto her, If thou wilt go with me, then I will go: but if thou wilt not go with me, then I will not go.

9 And she said, I will surely go with thee: notwithstanding the journey that thou takest shall not be for thine honour; for the LORD shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman. And Deborah arose, and went with Barak to Kedesh.

Deborah, the Prophetess, positioned herself as a warrior, and executed her talents to defeat the adversary by her own determination, as Joan of Ark did for France. She wasn't about to share the victory and spoils with those who became dependent upon her, like managers who depend on you and end up taking the credit and higher salary, from your hard earned work. Satan uses religion to take your hard earned money

People in high positions are dependent upon you to keep them at the top, while you stay at the bottom. Or else they would have to suffer more work, longer hours, and loss of clients. But you saved their million dollar contract clients. You're an assistant to managers and executives who need someone to serve their needs. Is this wrong? Of course not, because you willingly choose to share someone's work load for a lower salary. More work and less pay, instead of being a partner. Give yourself credit, you're not a low life born to live off crumbs. You're royalty with an inheritance, born as a prince and princess, extradited to an Island as a babe in the wilderness, waiting to be led to the Promise Land where you must rule your kingdom. It's time to escape off of that Island of harsh living and heavy toiling, just to survive, and claim your inheritance.

There are business partners who sit back and watch the money grow as an investor, while the other investor partner acts as the manager, operator, employee, bookkeeper, secretary and owner. All the while, the 1st investor gets the spoils. What an agreement, to sign on as a assistant and do more work than the one who gets the larger salary. But Satan will beg to differ, because he will say that the managers and executives perform strategic projects, which translates as, they put ABC projects together to get XYZ plans completed or in short, they're smarter than you. They're viewed as the rocket scientist, while you're treated like you didn't have any effort with putting the project together. Yes, the executives used their thinking caps, but you performed what needed to be done on the project plan, and then some. Lucifer will use project planning and other technical mambo jumbo terms to put you in your place as Pharaoh did with Israel, when he told them that, who is this God that I must let your people go from working on building my project plan, that I put together and brainstormed.

There is no difference the amount of income someone should earn, either from executing a project, or whether if they planned a project. Both parties share responsibilities, where favoritism should not be a factor.

You've earned your place in your position through proving yourself as a qualified gifted worker and your adversaries will devalue your talents, in order to keep you on a tight leash from escaping. So, beware of the Devil, when he uses weak minded people to tell you, that you're lucky to have a job, especially during high unemployment; as if you were not worthy with talent and experience. This is a deception mind game to keep you feeling like this is the only place you can ever be chosen. Luck had nothing to do with it, because the Almighty gave you gifts to make room for you to hone your abilities, and Satan won't show you that in the Bible any place.

Daniel 3

16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter.

17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.

8 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

The three Hebrew boys faced a death sentence and became bold with confidence. They didn't make it their problem when Satan's pride wanted them to serve his needs. The prideful heart of a person makes them dependent upon you to carry out their purpose. That's the enemy's problem, not yours.

Your family and friends are not your enemy, but their prideful attitudes are your enemy. Somebody else pride, attitude and demands are not your problem, when they react towards you with pity parties. You're not obligated to serve needs that can be handled by the other party. Lucifer has turned religion into a pity party, where audiences serve religion and Satan is dependent upon these audiences to have pity on themselves. So, pitiful messages are catered for the pitiful. The Bible never said have a pity party, but have a spirit of power. Pity is the spirit of fear, because Satan comes to people when their weak and are to afraid to come out of their pity. So he takes advantage on their pity, through fear.

That's why Lucifer relaxed messages soothe those who are weak-minded, where he makes them vulnerable, by spreading propaganda about desiring money as a form of godliness, to seek after wealth through tithing and get rich prosperity messages. Another pyramid scheme to profit off of the daydreaming saints, as Rev Ike and Jim Jones did when everybody drunk the Kool-Aide. Kool-Aide is that sweet escape from fear, where you believe anything can happen without power. "For the love of money is the root of all evil." It's not money that the Almighty gives, but He gives you "power to get wealth." Seek power to rule your own venture and the money will come. Power is not a Kool-Aide dream you chase like a crack addict, power is something you must fight for with passion and drive. Money is not power, or else you would have ruled your own venture, without someone else ruling over you, where you are the servant.

Lucifer preaches about God will promote you when you pay your tithes or if you recognize that you have an inheritance. Tithes doesn't have anything to do with promotions, because promotions is just another deceptive way to do more work for your Master, for longer hours, while your salary is just a few thousand dollar year bonus, enough to get that new car to replace the old jalopy.

Satan attempts to pull the wool over mushy-brained worshipers eyes, where the blind lead the blind with Jedi mind tricks, when he tells them to be "be thankful over a few things, and God will make you rule over many." Of course be thankful, but thanking the Almighty el Shaddai for a few things, doesn't make you to rule and have power later. You're appreciating el' Shaddai for the few that you have rule over now, and later He will allow you to rule more. You can't rule over anything until you have power to get the few, so you can rule greater. You need the power first in order to rule. You obtain the power by overcoming fear, and when you rule over your fear, you boldly start to do things without hesitation, and conquer whatever passions you desire.

As David the conqueror over Goliath said, "Ye though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. My rod and staff they comfort me." To fear is death, because fear kills your passions and desire to do the things your soul seeks after. The key is don't care about death or dying, just see death as a warrior looks at a battle. The soldier fights not to stay alive, but to accomplish the mission, through hell and high water, no matter the odds, circumstances, or consequences. You can fight to keep your dreams alive. The Messiah said, "don't be afraid of who can kill the body, but be afraid of who can kill the body and soul." Your soul is your passion that hungers for power, to be free from bondage.

Deuteronomy 8:18

18 But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

Exodus 5

6 And Pharaoh commanded the same day the taskmasters of the people, and their officers, saying,

7 Ye shall no more give the people straw to make brick, as heretofore: let them go and gather straw for themselves.

8 And the tale of the bricks, which they did make heretofore, ye shall lay upon them; ye shall not diminish ought thereof: for they be idle; therefore they cry, saying, Let us go and sacrifice to our God.

9 Let there more work be laid upon the men, that they may labour therein; and let them not regard vain words.

10And the taskmasters of the people went out, and their officers, and they spake to the people, saying, Thus saith Pharaoh, I will not give you straw.

11 Go ye, get you straw where ye can find it: yet not ought of your work shall be diminished.

12 So the people were scattered abroad throughout all the land of Egypt to gather stubble instead of straw.

13 And the taskmasters hasted them, saying, Fulfil your works, your daily tasks, as when there was straw.

14 And the officers of the children of Israel, which Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and demanded, Wherefore have ye not fulfilled your task in making brick both yesterday and to day, as heretofore?

Lucifer rather keep you passive, with weak positive passive directions about submitting to abuse and disadvantage at home and work. So they'll say, stay positive in your abuse at home and work, instead of telling you to take action and don't allow your family or company to take advantage of you. Passive direction from Satan is to keep you under his control, instead of you being in control, so he can take advantage of you through loved ones and employers. Pharaoh attempted this with Moses by telling the Hebrews that he would not let the people go and took advantage of them with abuse!

Unemployment rate numbers is a scare tactic by the media to get into weak minded people head, so people who earn a living, can never feel comfortable leaving a job to find another one, where they can grow and are more valuable. Your adversary will use your family to make you feel guilty about taking risk to position your life in becoming more improved, by standing up to your spouse, children and managers. Satan wants us to hide behind your household and job as a scapegoat, so we can serve him through them. But as Abraham and Jacob, we must allow ourselves to trust our children to the Most High, and follow that vision which He gave us to pursue, even if like Joseph, our child may end up in Egypt, and have to make the journey back through the Wilderness to the Promise Land. The adversary will tell you this is selfish and self-centered, because you supposed to make sacrifices for family by giving up pursuing your passion and goals, in exchange for abuse and being taken advantage of.

Proverbs 22

6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

The Almighty knows you love your children, but He put visions and talents in your soul to discover greater things beyond the 9 to 5 and home life. If that means your spouse and little ones have to adjust taking care of themselves and the house at times, without you being their full time, then they won't always be dependent upon you, but grow up independent upon themselves. Your marriage and kids are a responsibility like a job, where there should be no abuse or advantage taken of you, with room for you to grow and feel valuable. Family is a job that you love, they are not your vision and goal in life to pursue your dreams. You can't wait for your family to cooperate and come on board to sail away with you in your dreams. Your personal passions will be put on hold, to bow to the Devil every need through your family, if you allow Satan to use your family, to abuse and take advantage of you.

It's a war of struggle between your divine passions and Satan. Lucifer using people to become dependent upon you, to divide your time, talent and goals. Conquer your fears to conquer your talents.

2010 by Derrick G