Friday, March 19, 2010

Upgrading from Generic Worship to Your True Calling of Power

"There's a sucker born every minute" phrase often credited to P.T. Barnum

In the time of John the Apostle, the disciple of Christ- between the time of 70 A.D. and 100 A.D., there was no biblical record of who was appointed to continue the church. But there were historical accounts of leaders who were taught by Apostle John and Peter. That line of leaders started from Polycarp (ca. 70 – ca. 156), who was taught by John, all the way to Irenaeus (2nd century AD - c. 202), which was a disciple of Polycarp. These Gentile church fathers were not Jewish, but they upheld the teachings passed down by the early church, which instructed that the original Passover needed to be kept on the 14th day during the Hebrew month of Nisan (April or March- Gregorian calendar time, depending on the New Moon cycle). The Roman Catholic Church, not yet named Catholic- was established during the earlier part of the 2nd century, as a separate church from what the early original church taught. Wherefore, the catholic bishops during that time challenged these church fathers that were taught by John. The catholic Popes sentenced to death or ignored the early church fathers to be martyred for following the correct teachings of Christ, instructed by John. The Pope began holocausts against Jews for keeping Sabbaths.

From that point on, the Catholic Church justified replacing the Passover with the day Christ was resurrected, known as Easter Sunday, which is during the Passover month. Also Sunday came from this same doctrine, known as the Lord’s Day, which was accepted as the day of worship. The Roman Emperor Constantine (27 February c. 272 – 22 May 337) along with the Popes and bishops, adopted paganism into the church, such as idols of worship (statues, trees), combining the winter solstice pagan god of worship day December 25-January 1, with Christ birth. This was never done in the early church. Constantine and the bishops desired to gain more followers who were Romans still worshiping pagan gods. So, they set up an elaborate scheme to combine the Roman pagan gods with the church, in order to satisfy the peoples and gain popularity as emperors did with popular gladiator games in the Roman coliseums. All this was done to blind the people, so the citizens would not start religious revolutions or holy wars, which would not make the rulers look as if they wasn’t in control. It’s all politics and smoking mirrors. If the people are happy, then all is well, purpose served. Satan popularity numbers go up in the polls and on to win the next election, because Satan was a mastermind at deceiving the whole world. A sucker born again every Sunday! Wake Up!

Martin Luther (10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546), the German priest who separated himself from the Catholic Church doctrine, in order to return back to the original, was also martyred. He was condemned as a heretic for stating- if the church is not doing things according to scripture, then it should not be taught. The Catholic Church, at the time begun to deceptively profit from citizens, by selling salvation and penances, which was forgiveness to keep from going to Hell. These schemes were developed to cause bishops to become wealthy and blind the people from studying the Bible themselves (because the bishops didn’t teach Scripture word for word, but enticed people with brainwashing sermons) as Martin Luther exposed. No different than what you witness assemblies doing today, when they profit from selling salvation messages and prosperity overnight schemes, through books, Cd’s, and non biblical church events.

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