Friday, March 5, 2010

Breaking the Curse of Hesitation of the Nicodemus Spirit

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. -James the Apostle of Jesus

Will you be where you need to be in your life in three years? Well, if you’re going down the same direction with the same traditional strategies as Jay Leno from the “Tonight Show”(changed from 11pm to 10pm back to 11pm), which became hesitant as Nicodemus about which way to choose. Then, not only are you confused, but, you’re confusing your audiences as well, and the competition or adversary will take advantage of your weakness. The famous Gen. Colin Powell said, “Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand.” People who hesitate are the fearful ones left behind. Losers!

Hesitation sets in when you set goals that you’re not passionate about pursuing. That’s why manufacturing plans about being a millionaire, raises the bar, and causes you to lose focus on reality goals formed within your own talents. In other words, pursuing money will conjure up get rich quick schemes in your mind. You need to challenge your competitors, competition, (enemy) to a duel with your talents, so you can draw their audiences to your side. Hesitating to do so will make you look like a phony coward, who doesn’t stand for what they believe in. This is the only way to prove if you’re really the best at what you do, in order for witnesses to judge your qualities. Audiences root for the underdog who stands up against the powers that be, principalities and powers in high places. You’re battling not against flesh and blood, but battling for the mind. The mind is our attention. You’re fighting to win attention. Persistence pays off, even if it seems tough. War is won when you stay the course and conquer the territory of the mind first.

One day my Internet was down, which comes through the cable company. They were already scheduled to come out a few days later. But in my determination, I called and spoke with a rep, which seemed eager to get me off the phone quickly, without giving me any success. So, as I moved on to attempt to fix the cause myself (at other times in the past it got the job done), but taking every phase to get connected without any luck, I didn’t hesitate to return a call to the cable company again. I was determined in my endeavor to have it running, by any means necessary. My career, research and finances depend on it. Losing two days is like one month worth of success. The next rep took me through different steps, which led to a miracle that seemed simple. Win their attention!

You must face your challengers in an unorthodox style, by using a different approach that nobody has experienced before. Shake things up and make it interesting, this way you won’t become predictable and boring like the traditional adversary. Resist the devil and he will flee, so says the Bible. Sun Tzu says; “To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting. Go against following the way everybody else is doing things and your obstacles will be removed. This is why sermons are traditional, because they are never challenged, where nothing has progressed to your expectations, because you’re still struggling. But when you hesitate to challenge tradition, like Nicodemus hesitated to confront his traditional doctrine of the church, then you’re double minded and unstable.

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